Mobile phones remain the main target of cyber threats, with an increase of 111 between the middle of last year and the middle of this year % více spywarových útoků. Ve svém novém blogovém příspěvku to uvedla cloudová bezpečnostní společnost Zscaler.
In a blog post, Zscaler said its experts registered 2023 between June 2024 and May 111 % more spyware and on the 29th % inmore malware attacks. Most of them are said to be able to bypass multi-factor authentication. A large increase in attacks should also have occurred year-on-year for IoT devices (IoT), and that by 45 %.
Most mobile attacks – 28 % – India experienced followed by the US, Canada, Republic of South Africa and the Netherlands. When it comes to attacks on IoT devices, they “enjoyed” them the most in the US (81 %) etcbut then in Singapore, u, Bigé Britain, Germanyu and Canadaě.
It is also worth noting that the company discovered more during the period in question than 200 fake applications v Obchodě Play, z nichž velká část byla nakažena malwarem Anatsa. Jedná se o známý androidový bankovní malware, který se „rád“ schovává v aplikacích pro čtení PDF souborů a snímání QR kódů. Tento nebezpečný škodlivý kód již napadl 650 finančních institucí po celém světě.
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It makes sense that mobile devices are the main target of cyber threats. 96,5% of people use them to connect to the Internet, and they generate almost 60% of Internet traffic.